Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Another Christmas #20

“Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas. (Coolidge, Calvin)”

Harmony woke up as if it were any normal day. She looked at her calendar next to her bed and realized it was Christmas Eve. When she had first moved in with the Parker's' she used to bounce off the walls. They had adopted her about exactly 1 year ago after she had been in several foster homes. When they adopted her she couldn't contain her excitement, she knew deep down in her heart that they were the family she had been waiting for years.
When she was a day old she had been dropped off at the orphanage. It had been the day after Christmas. When the woman who ran the orphanage had found her she had decided to name the nameless baby, Harmony. The reason why was because while she lay in her bassinet on the steps, she didn't make a sound. Even though earlier it had been snowing and it was pitch black. Harmony seemed to have a glowing aura around her that gave her a piece of mind.
When she was about two months old she was adopted by a nice couple. The couple had had three other adopted children. A week before she turned a year old, which happened to be Christmas, the couple died brutally in a car crash. She doesn't remember them, but she knew that while she lived with them that they tried their best to give her a loving, caring atmosphere. So she ended up spending her first Christmas and birthday in the orphanage. Later on she would come to believe of it as an omen for birthdays and Christmases to come.
Six months after that horrific incident she was adopted by another couple. Although, she was young she knew that this couple was bad news. They had a total of five adopted children. Once she got older, and went through more foster homes, she began to understand that they only became foster parents to collect money. She lived with them for four years. That happened to be the worst four years of her life.
She knew that they were both shady people, who always seemed to have bloodshot eyes. For the next couple of years, she thought that the couple would at least try to make an effort during the holiday season, but she knew that she was only being hopeful. She tried her best to not to let that get her down. At the beginning of December of that fourth year, both of the adopted parents were arrested for dealing drugs. She was then put back into foster care. Once again she got to spend another birthday in foster care.
As she got older she went through another four foster homes. She always seemed to be moving through the foster care during Christmas. At first she thought it was just a coincidence, but the time she was 12 she stopped believing in the holiday miracles. She felt as though that all hope had been lost. She felt as though she was cursed. At school she would hear from kids all around about the traditions, family, and the love that was shared throughout the holidays. She always felt jealous because she thought she was missing out on the gifts that she could never have. She wished that life had been different; she didn’t know what she’d done wrong to deserve that kind of life.
When she turned 15 she had once again been put back into foster care. Within a week a couple had begun to show interest in her. She didn’t want to get her hopes up, so she decided to not show to how much she cared. The Parkers instantly took a liking to her and knew she would be a good match for their family. They would later tell her that they saw the potential in her, and the harmonious glow that surrounded her. They adopted her that September and all she could think about was what would happen in the next couple of months before Christmas.
It came to her in surprise when she spent her first Christmas with them. They included her in all of their family traditions with welcoming, loving arms. She started to get this feeling that these emotions she was feeling wouldn’t be the last. When she woke up on Christmas day, she braced herself for the day ahead. She walked down the stairs and she looked around to see the family waiting for her.
As soon as she sat down she was wished a happy birthday and merry Christmas. Her adopted-mother brought out a birthday cake. Once they were done singing they let her open her gifts first. She opened it to see a brand new iPod. She was shaken with happiness. At that moment she began to cry. She stood up and hugged her new parents and siblings. Harmony saw that each one of them showed happiness in their eyes. She realized at that moment what Christmas truly meant.
It didn’t matter if you had the most expensive gifts, if you didn’t have people around you who cared about you then it meant next to nothing. No matter how corny that sounded. She knew from that point on that she wasn’t cursed.

Monday, December 6, 2010

My Short Story #19

The girl new that at that point in her life, that she had lost all hope in life and that there would never be a chance to gain that back.

It had just started the way any story started. There was a girl named Charlotte and boy named Henry. They grew up as next door neighbors since they were both 3. In the summer as children, they played in their backyards thinking of any game they could from morning to sundown. They told shared jokes, laughs and deep dark secrets.

When they got older their relationship was still the best of friends. They were attached at the hip. They still seemed to share jokes, laughs and secrets, well except one. The most important one. That they both were obliviously in love with each other. Both didn’t want to ruin their great friendship. Because without the other, they really didn’t know who they were. They each decided that they would hold that one secret to their selves.

After high school they each went their separate ways. Charlotte moved half way across the country to attend the college of her dreams. While Henry decided to stay in state and attend college their. Charlotte discussed with Henry the possibility of going to college together, but he told her blankly that she had so much potential and not to waste it on a small college.

During college they still remained their relationship. They still shared laughs and jokes. Although secrets remained a thing of the past. Neither Charlotte wanted to admit that she had to cry herself to sleep from being so apart from Henry nor did he want to admit that he hadn’t gone out without anyone because he felt that he would betray Charlotte.

After they both graduated from college Henry became a successful business man and met a decent enough girl who he thought he could marry. She couldn’t bare children so it was just them. He felt that that was just fine. Charlotte traveled the world as a photographer. While she was in Fiji, she met another photographer who was from the states. They eventually became engaged. She seemed to feel that he was good enough person to be her husband.

A month before Charlotte was going to get married she happened to be in London. There in a small café she saw a man similar to one that was a major part in her life. The man looked up at here and she seemed to know that smile from apart from everyone. She came up to Henry’s table and they talked for what seemed to be hours. Just alone in their own world. They talked about how their lives were. She shared she was to be married soon. While he talked about his wife and the business trip he was on. She knew that she was comfortable with him and having a conversation was just as easy as breathing. She knew that was what was missing in her life. The feeling of being comfortable and secure.

Without thinking she blurted out that she had been in love with him since they were little. She then self as if a giant weight had been lifted off her chest. She braced herself for what he would say next. His next words shocked her. He told her that he too was in love with her and had always been. They then once again shared their deep, dark secrets of how they missed each other and that no one seemed to make up for what they sought and could only find in each other.
They decided she would break off her engagement and he would leave his wife. She felt guilty for him having to leave his wife, but he told her that he didn’t love her and it was easier since they had no children. They decided to meet at the café in exactly a week. That was enough time for him to return to the states to leave his wife and her to break up with her fiancé. He gave her his flight number incase of delays, since it was winter.

A week later Charlotte walked in the café, knowing her life was about to change. She had been feeling bad all week, because she couldn’t shake the image of how much misery her fiancé was in when she broke off the engagement. She knew that her life could only move on from there. She sat down and read the newspaper. She found it shocking about how there was a plane crash from there being so much snow. She couldn’t shake the feeling that the plane number was too familiar.

The girl looked at the list of the people who were on the flight. She couldn’t help but freeze when she saw Henry’s name. She seemed to be in a state of shock. There was no way it was true. In her heart the girl knew it was true. She knew in that moment that all hope was lost.

Two months after the plane crashed she took her own life. Realized that she had lived without him for two long and that pain was unbearable. The wife of Henry had become pregnant with his child and had the burden of raising the child on her own.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

My Poem #18

I live in a tv.
Is this where you live?
I live here on what I wish street,
My friends live on Reality Avenue.
Do you live here in a perfect world?
With no mistakes,
Falls round me like pennies from the sky,
Picking them up from the street.
A limo as long as the sky,
Fans like somebody has died
And went to heaven.
I got fame where other people have money.
& a personality that comes complete
With a perfect smile and
Pearly white teeth.
I live in a TV.
I live in it,
Dream in it,
I could even stay there for the rest of my life.
Just living life in a glass house.
Money falls so fulla fame,
You could just stay here
And love yourself,
Carrying yourself in a TV.