According to"One in three women worldwide will be beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused in her lifetime, with rates reaching 70 percent in some countries. This violence not only leaves women and girls with long term physical and psychological scars, but it tears apart communities and undermines efforts to reduce global poverty."
I personally don't believe a woman is below a man. I believe both men and women are equal and have the same rights as one another. There is no the man goes to work while the woman stays at home and cooks, cleans, and raises the children. Although I do respect cultures where the woman stays at home and does that, I don't respect they way that men scare women into feeling there worthless and the only reason there here is to bring children into this world.
It sickens me that women are physically and emotionally abused. What sickens me even more is when young girls are thrown into this rape and abuse. They feel like they have no power and they are told they are worth nothing. Women are for love and comfort, not to be thrown or hit around. We always thinks this happens in third world countries but this also happens in our own cities. The worst part is we do nothing.
Look into those woman's eyes in the picture and try to tell them that you can't do nothing. It's not your fault. You can't help them. You can help them by signing the petition on you can help stop rape and abuse of women. This is a big issue and the more time we take, the more women who are hurt physically and emotionally. Women are for love, not a punching bag or slave. You can make a difference. I signed the petition. Why not you?
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