Wednesday, April 28, 2010


"One should rather die than be betrayed. There is no deceit in death it delivers precisely what it has promised. Betrayal, though... betrayal is the willful slaughter of hope (Deitz, Steven). "

You never think that it will happened to you. You think that you're a nice person and that you only try to please yourself. You think that you respect everyone you know. When it happens you never see it coming. It's the sharpest pain in your back and consumes you. It hurts your soul and you don't know if you'll ever recover. From stories in the Bible or day to day, you just never know when it will happened.

The Elves, by the Brothers Grimm
A Children’s Story of Betrayal and Secrets
A king loves an apple tree so much that he puts a curse on anyone who eats its fruit. His three daughters, believing that the curse will not affect them, eat the apples and sink underground. This marks a descent into the Underworld. We, too, curse ourselves unknowingly when we make bad choices, such as hide our talents or enter bad relationships. This damages the innocent, joyful aspect of our souls, represented by the three princesses, and we spiral down into the underworld of depression, abuse, inertia and self-hatred.

Soon, we notice that joy is missing from our lives. Thus the King decrees that any man who finds the princesses may marry one of them. Three huntsmen join in the quest. They represent the aggressive, courageous element of our psyche.

Encounter with the Trickster
They find an uninhabited but furnished castle with food laid out on a table. On the first day, the eldest stays back to guard the castle. At mid-day, a gnome enters, begging for bread. When the huntsman obliges, the creature drops the food, asking him to pick it up. When the huntsman does so, the gnome beats him. The next day, the second brother suffers the same fate.

Finally, it is the last brother’s turn. When the gnome drops the bread, he refuses to pick it up. When the gnome insists, the huntsman beats him. Thereupon the gnome, revealing himself as a trickster figure, brings the huntsman to an empty well where the princesses are hidden, warning him not to trust his brothers.

Underworld Quest
All three brothers in turn are lowered into the well, but only the youngest reaches the bottom. He finds each princess delousing a many-headed dragon. The horror of the situation reflects the nature of the Underworld, where all the refuse and filth of the psyche, everything we shy away from in terror or disgust, are present, and where our souls’ lost, childlike part is imprisoned. The huntsman frees the princesses and sending them up into the Land of the Living. This, we believe, is where the tale ends.

But it is not so. When it is the huntsman’s turn to be hauled up, his brothers cut the basket’s rope, leaving him underground, and force the princesses into secrecy. It is a different betrayal from the first one; this is a deliberate, malicious act. The brothers’ heinous act represents our own self-destructive impulses. Even after we take steps to extricate ourselves from bad scenarios, we often betray ourselves, by, for instance, returning to a destructive relationship. Hence we remain trapped in the Underworld.

The huntsman finds a flute hanging on a wall. After some time, he plays it, and soon, the room is filled with elves who help him escape. This indicates that even in the most hopeless situations, when we feel most alone, there is still beauty and strength within to be drawn upon.

Breaking Silence
However, the trials are not yet over. When the huntsman reaches the king’s castle, the princesses faint and the king imprisons him. Seeing his daughters weep at this, he asks them what the matter is. They reply that it is a secret. The king suggests that they tell it to a stove. Eavesdropping on their confession, he learns the truth, sentences the evildoers to death and gives the huntsman his due reward. Only then, the story concludes. In the same way, we find closure only when the true story of betrayal and abuse is told, allowing us to move on to a new chapter in our lives.

What I have learned from this story is that even the most trust worthy people in your life will betray you, not just strangers. As you read in the story even in the darkness of the betrayal brought on by his brothers he still finds the light in it all. That betrayal is just one point and that we need to move on. Sometimes betrayal is brought on by other emotions such as jealousy or some other emotion that starts to darken us. It is explained that these our human emotions that we are not proud of, but life moves on after that.

Read more at Suite101: The Elves, by the Brothers Grimm: A Children’s Story of Betrayal and Secrets

Monday, April 26, 2010

Movie Proposal For Marked

Marked by Kristin Cast and P.C. Cast

My proposal is to make the first book of the series House of Night, Marked, into a movie. I believe this book is an original idea, is well thought through, and has an attention grabbing plot. Unlike the other vampire storylines these vampyres seem to just live normal lives and interact with the rest of the world. They need the same things you do and their blood lust is sometimes the least of their worries. They may not sparkle and they also eat and sleep but they are unique as individuals. The other difference is if your body rejects the Change you can die. In this world you get to start over and find who you really are, if you dare.

This movie would starts off in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma where 16 year old Zoey Redbird is just living her life. She’s just like everyone else with her worries. She has a mom and stepdad she hates, she has a boyfriend, Heath, a best friend, and has the worries and angst just like any teenager, like passing her geometry test. One day at school she gets a surprise visit from a visitor who marks her. Now in this world getting Marked means that you have the gene to become a vampyre. Yes vampyres with a y. In this world vampyres are known in this world. They make up the actors, singers, musicians, artists, and historians. Once you are marked you are sent to one of the House of Nights where you will spend the next four years learning everything there is to know about becoming an adult vampyre.

Before she arrives at the House of Night she has a vision of Nyx saying everything will be fine. When she arrives at the house of night in Tulsa, Oklahoma she is overwhelmed. The reason why is because she has had her tattoo filled in. The tattoos on each vampyre first starts off on their foreheads as students and will be filled in after the four years at school. Later the tattoos will spread all over the body, once they have lead and pleased the people around them and their goddess, Nyx. The tattoos sort of represent fulfillment of destiny. Zoey stands out with her tattoo filled in already. Although it means that she is very special to Nyx. Since Zoey’s tattoo is filled in the High Priestess, Neferet, Nyx’s right hand woman, says she will be Zoey’s mentor at the House of Night.

When she arrives at her dorm she meets her roommate Stevie Rae. She’s an Oklahoma girl who loves the country and outdoors. They both go to the cafeteria where Stevie Rae introduces her friends, Damien and the Twins, Shaunee and Erin. She also meets Aphrodite, the leader of the Dark Daughters, who has the special talents of having visions of tragic events. Neferet tells Zoey that she should join the Dark Daughters, much to Aphrodite’s dismay, because she saw Aphrodite and her boyfriend, Erik, in a compromising position. Aphrodite then tells Zoey that she’s in charge and that Zoey should stay away from her boyfriend.

At a spiritual event at the school all of the elements are called in a circle. Zoey feels their immense power on her and notices that this is not how everyone else reacts to the elements; wind, fire, water, earth, and spirit. With a little questioning her and her friends discover that she has affinities for all the elements. This is rare for not only a fledgling but also full grown vampyres. When her and her friends cast a circle of their own they also realize that everyone has a special affinity for one element. Damien represents air, Shaunee, fire, Erin, water, Stevie Rae, earth and Zoey represents spirit. They also form this circle when Aphrodite calls forth an evil spirit. Together they all defeat the spirits trying to eat them and are thought of as heroes. At the end Zoey is rewarded something special from the goddess Nyx.


Zoey Redbird, Stevie Rae Johnson, Damien Maslin, The Twins (Shaunee Cole and Erin Bates), Neferet, Erik Knight, Aphrodite and Nyx.

Monday, April 5, 2010

A Time When I Needed To Be Brave

“When their adventures do not succeed, however, they run away; but it was the mark of a brave man to face things that are, and seem, terrible for a man, because it is noble to do so and disgraceful not to do so (Aristotle).”

As I heard the last bell of the day ringing loudly, I quickly walked past my classmates through the hallway so that I could walk to the bus stop with my sister to get home. The halls still smelled faintly of lunch and perfume and cologne of the people as I walked by. I walked through the gray and green courtyard now full with eager students waiting to go home. I waited next to the fully blossom tree, that smelled like seafood or the Pacific Ocean near San Francisco, with the sun pouring down on my body. As I looked for my sister I could hear in the background the faint sounds of conversations, laughs, and goodbyes of friends. My friend walked up to me and said, “Where’s Mary?” In a frustrated tone I said “I honestly don’t know.”

As we waited for a few more minutes we both grew more frustrated and were worried about missing the bus. We discussed it and both agreed that she might have walked to the bus stop, which was weird of her to do. As we walked the dirt path, in a fast pace toward the bus stop, I could see the worried look in my friend’s face. I felt like my face looked just like hers. We walked silently on the path with only the burning sun on our backs and only the sounds of rocks being kicked and cars passing by. I could smell the scent of freshly cut grass as we walked past the fields to our right.

Once we got to the first stop we quickly asked people if they had seen Mary. They told us they hadn’t seen her past them. I was quickly getting worried and frustrated. I could feel my heart pound deep in my chest knowing the bus would be coming soon. We both decided to walk to the second stop. We quickly walked on the pavement that leads right to the bus stop in front of Walgreens. When we got to the bus stop we still didn’t see her. We were now getting too worried and with the bus quickly approaching, we took a chance and decided to check the bus and see if she had gotten on. When the bus approached I quickly got on the bus and as searched the bus for the familiar face all I could see was a bunch of strangers, some familiar classmates’ faces, and the low murmurs of the people. I quickly got off the bus and my friend and I quickly walked back to the school.

I’m not sure if it was the walking or the worried, knot feeling in my stomach, but my heart started to beat faster than I could ever have imagined. We walked once again on the pavement and back again on the dirt path that lead back to school. Right as we both walked into the courtyard, reassuringly, there was Mary talking to her friend. I yelled “Mary where have you been. We need to leave. Now!” But as I looked into her eyes I could tell that her eyes were just as worried and terrified as mine had been just a few moments ago. She told that someone had turned her in to the nurse that she had been hurting herself. Right then my heart dropped. I felt like I could just lose it all then, but instead I kept a composed face. Only a couple or months ago I had found that that had happened and told her to promise me that she would never do that again and I would never tell, but she didn’t and I felt so guilty. I could feel the panic and a hot tear in the corner of my eye, but I quickly wiped it away. I needed to do whatever I could.

We walked to the nurse’s office where she explained what had happened. Right then a team of paramedics, doctors and police officers walked in the tight, cramped room and took my sister in an even smaller room and started to ask her questions. They closed the door for some privacy, but still asked me to walk into the hallway. The janitor was mopping the floor and there was a hint of lemon in the air. The school counselor explained to me again what was happening. I just nodded trying to understand how I would tell my mom. Then the nurse asked me to come into her office once again. She told me that they were going to take Mary to the UNM Hospital and have them evaluate her. “Do you have a way of contacting your mother, because the number I have isn’t in-service?” the nurse asked me impatient. I told her that my mom couldn’t find her phone and she was at UNM studying, but I didn’t know which library it was. As I talked frustrated on the phone trying to locate the room my mom was in. When I finally did reach the right room, which took almost five minutes, they said I had just missed her. I told them thank you for the help and hung up angrily. I felt like my heart could explode right there and then.

The school sub-police officer came up and told me that they were going to take Mary to the hospital; I could feel that burn in my throat waiting to start crying my eyes out. I told him where my mom would be and he said very kindly, unlike the nurse, that he would take me to go get her, considering she didn’t know what was going on and she didn’t have a car. As I walked with the police officer to his car, I could see in the corner of my eye the kids laughing wondering if my sister would ever laugh like they were right then and there. We reached his cruiser and he held the back door open, waiting for me to get in. He told me that we would leave in a minute he just had to make a call. Once he shut the door, I gave in and decided to start crying as hard as I could before we reached my mom, because I knew I would have to be the strongest person I was capable of being for her sakes.

A few moments later I heard the police officer walking around and wiped away the tears. We pulled out of the school parking lot and as I looked back I wondered if that one of those days that was supposed to be great was meant to end that way. I knew that deep down that this was only the beginning of my day and that the future ahead would only be tougher and rougher. As we drove down 4th Street I was getting anxious and that knot in my stomach that I thought was gone grew tighter as I waited to explain the one thing in my mom’s life that would bring so much pain upon her.

As I sat on the plastic seat I could feel that heavy burden on my chest but knew I needed to not be only strong for me but my sister as well as my mom. The cars and building passed by but I saw nothing, thinking of the bath in front of me.