Monday, November 8, 2010

Uniforms #14

"You have got to be original, because if you're like someone else, what do they need you for? (Peters, Bernadette)"

Uniforms. They represent one thing and one thing only, unity. While unity is a great way to bring people together, it stunts the growth of inspiration. The ability to be anyone you want to be. To stand out in a crowd that will always be there, no matter what. When you wear a uniform you start to blend in. Blending into your surroundings is such an animal characteristic. I thought the point of the human species was about becoming a more modernized civilization. For us to survive on our own, but also to grow up in a different environment. Not to hide behind the trees and bushes and buildings. 

We should just leave uniforms to the military. The reason why is because who do we have to hide from? The real people in the world? When you get to be in the real world, there may be a dress code, but not uniforms. As you grow, your clothes start to represent who you are. What you stand for. Who you see yourself as. Not some cookie cutter person, who has no idea what it means to be true to themselves.

All our lives, people tell us that with the right set of mind you can grow up to be anything you dream of. Be a police officer, a doctor, or a teacher, the list is endless. The only thing that we have to figure out before we choose one of these careers is the most important question. Who are we really? 

Are we a leader or a follower? Are we well put together? Do we long for inspiration? Do we see the world in colors or in black and white? Is our mind infinitive or stuck in the present? Are we bold enough to be whoever we want to be? Can there be more to what we are seeing? Is there more to than what I'm seeing?Once we answer some of those questions we start to shape ourselves. With that we shape our personalities and wardrobe. 

School uniforms eventually start to add up in costs. The reason why is because parents have to buy various sets of uniforms. The uniforms have to be appropriate colors, lengths, and brands. This starts to become a great amount of time wasted, on clothes children only wear for only eight hours. Then parents have to buy home clothes so the children don’t rip their school clothes. Considering most families are middle and lower class. This starts to become a daily hassle and a struggle to make sure that their kids have uniforms that don’t look like they came from Goodwill.

I think that when you put on a uniform it gives a wrong impression. It shows children that everyone’s equal. While they may be the case sometimes, it’s not always true. You can put the wolf in a sheep costume, but underneath the wolf is still the wolf. No matter how hard he tries not to be. The uniforms are hiding the true person underneath. Uniforms are causing looks to be deceiving. Children everywhere are going to be in a big shock when they learn that the world they were taught to live in was just a figment of someone’s authority.

In the end uniforms cost money, confusion and eventually the stunt of growth in our imaginations. We should start letting kids express themselves. If they don’t start now then they may never be able to learn whom they really are. Were we not taught to always tell the truth? Then answer this. Why are we hiding the real us underneath these clothes?