Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Life Flashes By # 15

"The funny thing about life is the best things in life are the ones we don't remember and take advantage."

A long time ago, in a small town lived a girl. Now everyone in this town would say that she was the luckiest girl in the world. She lived in the biggest house for miles around. Her parents owned a corporate business that accessed them endless money. She always had the newest cars, clothes and electronic devices. She had many friends, that she spent endless times with, since her parents traveled for their company a lot. You would think that her life would be complete, but for her it just wasn't enough sometimes.

For the girl it was just never enough. She always wanted more. She always took things for granted. She never appreciated what it took for her parents to provide her with the lifestyle she always knew. Instead of spending Friday night dinners' with her parents, which her parents made sure they were always home for, she go to the mall or hang out with friends. Instead of going to church with her mom on Sunday morning, as she did as a little girl, she would whine and complain until her mom let her sleep in. The thought in the back of the girl's mind is, if she's done it once, there's no need to do it again.

About a month after the girl had turned 17, she was at home alone on a dark evening. Her parents had wanted to go out for the Friday night dinner with her, but she insisted she wanted to stay home and relax. She looked out the window, and thought about when she was a child and look at the sky with her parents. Thinking about her parents, she wondered where they were. It was almost 11 o'clock at night, and she was starting to get worried about them. Usually they would call to say that they were running late. She never really cared what time they came home, but that night, at that moment, she knew something was wrong.

Finally, at about midnight the phone rang. When she picked up it was the hospital, calling to say that her parents were in a deadly car crash. In that moment, she was in utter shock. She couldn't seem to hear the person on the other end of the line. All she could see was the night sky in front of her. She thought to herself that she would never look at the moon and the stars with them again. She wouldn't get to have weekly Friday night dinner anymore. She wouldn't wake up early on Sunday mornings to go to church. She had all those years to and in that moment she wouldn't ever get a chance to do that with her parents again.

You know the expression "That in life we don't know what we have until it's gone." The truth about that expression is that it's scary true. We go through life in a blink of the eye. Through that time there are so many moments to count, that it's hard to remember them all. The memories we do remember are the ones that stand out. Sometimes that's bad and sometimes that's good.

We could remember the day someone die or the day someone came into our lives. Those are the memories we should hold on tight to. Then there's those memories when we think about the day we got our first cell phone, iPod, or car. While those are okay moments in our lives, there's a wrong reason for remembering them. We think of those memories because something that's materialistic and replaceable was brought into our lives. The reasons behind remembering those memories is the wrong incentive. We should remember who brought those things into our lives, instead of what was brought into our lives.

The reason why is because life's way to quick to not appreciate the simple things in life. Life flashes by like houses on the side of the freeway. Blink and it'll be gone. So, and as cheesy as it sounds, don't take life for granted. The reason why is because one day it's here and the next moment it's gone.